7/12 Swimming the Depths~ Sound Bath for Cancer Season

7/12 Swimming the Depths~ Sound Bath for Cancer Season


With very special guest Micha Merrick who will be playing flute and crystal harp.

7/12 5-6:30pm

Blossom Wellness, Montpelier 05602

A SUPER special sound bath with my west coast sound and flower sister Micha Merrick!

A dream seed come true, we planted this seed years ago and now it sprouts in the height of summer under the sign of deep and watery Cancer

We will explore the themes of Cancer, and the Moon, since The Moon is Cancer’s ruling celestial body, harmonizing musically together and with these themes, while she plays the flute and her epic crystal harp, truly not to be missed.

Doing this work in a community container creates a field of energy that both amplifies and accelerates intentions.

Honoring the elements and bringing in all the senses, while combining Biofield Tuning, reiki, flower essences and a plethora of instruments Victoria guides you through a journey far inward and outward into the Timeless Now.

Soothing harmonics wash over you and nourish and soothe your nervous system while gently restoring harmony and balance to your mind, body and spirit. To close out the ceremony Victoria offers group Reiki and Healy frequencies to integrate the work.

The healing harmonics entrain the listener into a space of profound peace, quieting the chatter of the monkey mind, and allowing the body to release blockages, stagnancy and stress for greater connection and coherence.

No previous experience is needed. This experience is suitable for beginners and experienced meditators and journeyers. All parts of you are welcome.

Please dress comfortably. Yoga mats and blankets provided but feel free to bring more layers to be cozy lying on the floor for an hour.

About your guide:

Victoria Keen is a cosmic conduit and seeker with a deep reverence and affinity for healing and journeying through sound, ritual and the flowers.

She is also the visionary behind Horn of the Moon Apothecary, her online retail offering that connects people with the plants. Victoria combines her decades long training as a classical musician and visual artist to weave a sonic tapestry that is also a prayer, a meditation, and an exploration of the liminal terrain of our human consciousness.

Her layered sound baths culminate into fully immersive therapeutic multi- sensory experiences.

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