Maaso Medicina Flower Remedios for Unresolved Emotions

Maaso Medicina Flower Remedios for Unresolved Emotions


Now offering 13 'Flower Remedio' blends for unresolved emotions...

Anger, Anxiety, Ego, Envy, Espanto (spiritual fright), Fear, Guilt, Jealousy, Resentment, Sadness, Shame, Susto (shock/trauma), & Sorrow.

Maaso Medicina Flower Remedios (flower essences) help you to feel, face, integrate, & understand the messages that each unresolved emotion is trying to bring you. They usher guidance, movement, and change. They are gentle yet powerful remedies.

Each bottle is an essence blend of 3 distinct flowers infused in sunlight & spring water & preserved in organic tequila blanco with organic raw honey.

1/2 oz in glass dropped bottle

Flower Remedio/ Essence:
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